ka·mu·mail ; Chamaemelum mobile / Matricaria recutita
Days from Seed to Maturity: 42-56
Lifespan: Chamaemelum mobile (English, Russian or Roman Chamomile) are perennials.
Matricaria recutita (German) is an annual.
"Chamaemelum mobile, also commonly known as English, Russian, or Roman chamomile, is a low growing perennial. It is considered to be the true chamomile and is used in landscapes as a flowering groundcover or lawn substitute. English chamomile is hardy in zones 4-11 and is cultivated all over the world for its herbal properties. German chamomile, or Matricaria recutita, is also cultivated as the herb chamomile, but it is considered the false chamomile. It is an annual that grows to 18 inches (46 cm.) tall and its consistent miniature daisy-like flowers add charm to container, herb, and cottage gardens."
Read more at Gardening Know How: Chamomile Seed Info: How And When To Plant Chamomile Seeds
Outdoor Planting Zones: 3-9
Pruning: After flowering.
Light: Full sun.
Soil: Dry nutrient rich soil. Neutral pH.
Indoor Planting: In a planter 18 inches wide and 8 inches deep.
Water: When the top 2 inches of soil is dry.
Food: Feed with a basic Water Soluble All Purpose Plant Food, such as Miracle-Gro, that has a NPK of 24-8-6, or your favorite well balanced fertilizer. Fertilize indoor plants per the directions accompanying your fertilizer of choice.
Potential Companions: Mint, Basil, Cabbage, Onions, Beans, Cucumbers, Broccoli, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Cauliflower, Bee Balm, Phlox, Black Eyed Susan, Lungwort, Astilbe, Bleeding Heart,Delphinium,Roses, Lilacs, Ninebark and Dogwood.
Do not plant with: Plants that require moist soil
Additional information: Chamomile symbolizes patience in adversity.
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Little Lakeview Conservatory, LLC * Grow a little!™